Thursday, November 3, 2016

Pearls of wisdom - some in everyone

Positivity breeds happiness

Many a times when we are positive and happy , we unknowingly leave impressions which give others a way of viewing life in a more positive way.
Everybody goes through the negative fluctuations in life, when the slightest of disconnect with their happiness gives birth to pessimism.
Whenever you come across a person who needs some kind of push inorder to feel cormfortable about what he/she is doing, speak up.
Speak your heart and speak how you would tackle the problem if you were the one facing the problem.
Helping others by even a single line of positivity helps them overcome their obstacles. Its miraculous how you can help someone by just one line of optimism and they come back and thank you later.
Even if tomorrow, that person doesnot come back to you and thank you for your optimism, god shall treat you one day with what you have done for him/her.
Each person on this planet has the potential and the power to affect someone's life and make their life count by giving away pearls of wisdom.
Its amazing how a 20 year old can also change the way of thinking of a 50 year old adult or a baby's smile can bring exuberance in an adult's life.
Every person has the pearls of wisdom which they gain through their experiences in life.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Internal strength

Bring me to life , bring me the eternal happiness.
I have gone through experiences which have taught me long sightedness.
I was young and i was gullible
I made mistakes which i myself was unaware of ,
My loved ones kept me on the right path ,
Bringing joy and immense love to my golden years
No, i am not old , i am still very young
There is time for me to paint my own life very bright.
Some left , some stayed and those who stayed fortunately would love me till the end.
Yes, Bad times are followed by good times .
Some are there to explain the beauty of good days and some to test my strengths.
Beauty, elegance, faith and far sightedness these things shall remain with me forever till the time i remain sane.