Saturday, December 27, 2014

Take me to a new world

We laugh , we cry , we live with people all around us. They constantly change , constantly rotate. We share our life with the closest of all , who have given us birth , who have made us who we are today.

It is true that our heart is in a constant toil , our perceptions, beliefs , our likes and dislikes change over time.We feel no one but us, ourselves can understand what we like. What we are going through because the closest person to you is you .

At time we tend to prefer to go to  a place where no one knows us , so that we are comfortable with ourself, We are at peace with ourselves because the only person who knows you there is you. When you dont wish to tell the world what you are going through you wish to escape to   a different world, a whole new world where you can discover yourself, where you can introduce yourself and build your whole new image,paint your life in a new way with the new people.

Life makes us meet a numerous variety of people and gives us a share of every person we meet. Their habits, their beliefs , with time they tend to become yours as well. You start looking at life from a whole new angle

Beware, the whole new world that you may take yourself to, where no one knows you and no one commands you , you are the master of the whole new painting that you are about to paint sometimes starts looking pretentious . However when you come our of that world , after a point of time, you start missing that world , where you could do anything you want to  because nobody knows you. Gradually with time you start making new emotional connections but till the time you to that , you life takes you to whole new world.

Friday, December 5, 2014


Life takes you through twists and turns. Highs and lows as I have mentioned in my earlier articles as well.
People may not accept what you like, people might not accept you for who you are.
Sometimes your parents , who matter to you the most don't accept your decisions  but that should not be a hindrance for you to move further.
It is their duty to inform you, guide you to the right path.
It mite irritate you when they are unable o understand and respect your point of view but that doesnt mean that you stop loving forward.
You can never move forward if you stand still at one place. If you don't stop walking, you will continue to remain at one place.
Its time that you take that step forward, if it is the right path, time will surely tell you that.
It is true time heals everything, time makes everything clear.
You are punished for your deeds and rewarded for the same.
You need to believe in yourself and believe that whatever you are doing is the right choice because you are happy about it and do not regret it.
Your happiness is what should matter to you. A happy person always keeps everyone around them happy. And a joyous person is always welcome everywhere .
Believe in yourself , in your decisions and move forward with grace and confidence.
Your grace and  confidence will define you. And your definition cannot be anybody else's definition.
Negativity around you mite discourage you from the step that you wish to take but that doesn't mean that you let it succeed. Yes, sometimes you need to change your path , change your decisions according to situations but don't take it on your ego, as your defeat because one day, you will achieve your dream, no matter what.