Thursday, November 27, 2014


You know you have the potential in you to do a particular thing but the world seems to be on one side and you on the other.
Your mentor/parent/best friend/the person whom you feel the closest to, the person whom you feel knows you inside out mite tell you that you are incapable of doing what you are heading towards. They mite tell you to give up, they mite tell you that you would fail however much you try or try to give your best. In cases like these, remember, what others tell you is a reflection of what they feel about themselves.
It is normal human psychology that when you share your plan of action with someone specially someone with whom you are closest to or meet or talk to everyday. The person whoever it is, will put himself/herself in your shoes and imagine taking up that plan of action. They mite not be confident about doing something but you are not one of them. You are unique, you are different. God has made everyone a different individual , given a separate identity for the sole purpose of the different kind of potential that each and every person imbibes in themselves.
It is hard to stay motivated and not get disheartened by someone who mite not believe in you but you need to believe in yourself and not let what others think of you affect you because you are not a reflection of others.
When you see your reflection in the mirror, it is solely what you think of yourself, what you perceive of yourself not what others perceive of you. Your mind is different from theirs, your brain works in a different manner unlike theirs.
What you do reflects you and only you as an individual.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Man is a social animal and he meets plenty of people in his life span.
People come with experiences , every person you meet is an experience in himself.
When you meet someone, he/she lets you know about their personality, their wishes and their experiences and gradually you start relating to their lives. That is how they influence your life and give you an experience.
Today what we are  or how we are, how our personality reflects on others and how we come across is partially influenced by the people we meet in our life span.

God has created every individual a selfish one. This is not a negative way of thinking but  a very practical approach.
for example, a foetus in a mother's womb , even before the baby is born , the baby takes nutrients from it's mother's body inorder to come into existence .
similarly, people have their own selfish reasons be it for a positive impact or negative.
The word selfish ,speaks for itself . "SELF" the initial part of the word reflects the meaning.

If today , your fellow mate does  something which makes you feel that he/she has betrayed you by his/her own selfish reasons , you should not feel bad. This is how life has originated and shall continue until it comes to an end.
Everybody wants to be successful / continue with their existence and in order to continue with their existence they are compelled to wear a mask which hides their selfish motives .
We should accept it as a part of life and not let it affect us by making us sad or leave us in an over thinking zone.


Power of belief.

The power of  belief is one  of the biggest powers in the world.
The day you start believing in yourself is the day you set your foot on the first step of the ladder of success. The smallest of the decisions you make , you should believe in it. Whether it is a wrong  one or the right one, let time decide that.
You should be able to answer yourself, and give yourself an explanation , convincing as to why you took a decision . The reason for you to walk on a path which was different from the one that your friends took

There is no harm in being different , nor is there any harm in doing the same thing that your fee low mates are doing but the reason for you to choose how you wish to be is important.

" I believe in myself and i know i can do it. " This is the attitude you should keep in your life and walk on the road you wish to walk on . Live your life the way you want to live it. Learn things the way you want to learn it .
Do things your way and make them special.

Its your life and no one can live it for you.

Stories written and read.

You dont need to be great to start  but you need to start it, to be great.
Its important to make new beginnings inorder to reach somewhere in life, inorder to achieve a goal.
However slow we walk, we should keep walking and never stop, unless we know that now it is the  time to end our journey.
Once you make a new beginning and you go deep into the new story that you write, it is very hard to end that story which you are writing. However much you love the story that you are creating and have created ao far, it takes courage to end it. Make sure you end it on a happy note and even if it is mot possible to end it on a happy note, the story will always be an experience which you will cherish and re read your entire life.
It is not only how your story begins or your story ends, its the moments that you have captured in your entire story also.
You will write plenty of stories and when you 'll combine those stories, it will be your book, which is your life.

Friday, November 7, 2014

We met for a reason, either you are a blessing or a lesson.

People come and People go, a very cliched  line that we have come across multiple number of times during our life span.

Sooner or later we realize that the people who are associated with us in are in our lives for a particular reason , during a particular phase.
Our parents are in our lives because they have given birth to us.
Our colleagues back at our work place are with us because we work together.
Friends in school , friends in college,. 
We differentiate friends as , college friends, school friends , WHY? the reason is because they meet us during that particular phase of life. 
Some our just Hi-bye friends as we  call them and some are our best buddies. 
There is always a reason for someone to come and talk to an another person. The reasons can be loneliness, adventure , motive or an agenda . When the motive is cleared, they gradually part away. 
Avery simple example being the relationship of a student and a teacher. 
A student approaches a teacher to clear his doubts before the examinations and when his doubts are cleared the students' priorities change to having fun with their friends, 
Therefore there is always a reason for an association 
And people like this, keep coming and leaving your life and life moves on with the experiences that you have with the people you meet .