Saturday, December 27, 2014

Take me to a new world

We laugh , we cry , we live with people all around us. They constantly change , constantly rotate. We share our life with the closest of all , who have given us birth , who have made us who we are today.

It is true that our heart is in a constant toil , our perceptions, beliefs , our likes and dislikes change over time.We feel no one but us, ourselves can understand what we like. What we are going through because the closest person to you is you .

At time we tend to prefer to go to  a place where no one knows us , so that we are comfortable with ourself, We are at peace with ourselves because the only person who knows you there is you. When you dont wish to tell the world what you are going through you wish to escape to   a different world, a whole new world where you can discover yourself, where you can introduce yourself and build your whole new image,paint your life in a new way with the new people.

Life makes us meet a numerous variety of people and gives us a share of every person we meet. Their habits, their beliefs , with time they tend to become yours as well. You start looking at life from a whole new angle

Beware, the whole new world that you may take yourself to, where no one knows you and no one commands you , you are the master of the whole new painting that you are about to paint sometimes starts looking pretentious . However when you come our of that world , after a point of time, you start missing that world , where you could do anything you want to  because nobody knows you. Gradually with time you start making new emotional connections but till the time you to that , you life takes you to whole new world.

Friday, December 5, 2014


Life takes you through twists and turns. Highs and lows as I have mentioned in my earlier articles as well.
People may not accept what you like, people might not accept you for who you are.
Sometimes your parents , who matter to you the most don't accept your decisions  but that should not be a hindrance for you to move further.
It is their duty to inform you, guide you to the right path.
It mite irritate you when they are unable o understand and respect your point of view but that doesnt mean that you stop loving forward.
You can never move forward if you stand still at one place. If you don't stop walking, you will continue to remain at one place.
Its time that you take that step forward, if it is the right path, time will surely tell you that.
It is true time heals everything, time makes everything clear.
You are punished for your deeds and rewarded for the same.
You need to believe in yourself and believe that whatever you are doing is the right choice because you are happy about it and do not regret it.
Your happiness is what should matter to you. A happy person always keeps everyone around them happy. And a joyous person is always welcome everywhere .
Believe in yourself , in your decisions and move forward with grace and confidence.
Your grace and  confidence will define you. And your definition cannot be anybody else's definition.
Negativity around you mite discourage you from the step that you wish to take but that doesn't mean that you let it succeed. Yes, sometimes you need to change your path , change your decisions according to situations but don't take it on your ego, as your defeat because one day, you will achieve your dream, no matter what.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


You know you have the potential in you to do a particular thing but the world seems to be on one side and you on the other.
Your mentor/parent/best friend/the person whom you feel the closest to, the person whom you feel knows you inside out mite tell you that you are incapable of doing what you are heading towards. They mite tell you to give up, they mite tell you that you would fail however much you try or try to give your best. In cases like these, remember, what others tell you is a reflection of what they feel about themselves.
It is normal human psychology that when you share your plan of action with someone specially someone with whom you are closest to or meet or talk to everyday. The person whoever it is, will put himself/herself in your shoes and imagine taking up that plan of action. They mite not be confident about doing something but you are not one of them. You are unique, you are different. God has made everyone a different individual , given a separate identity for the sole purpose of the different kind of potential that each and every person imbibes in themselves.
It is hard to stay motivated and not get disheartened by someone who mite not believe in you but you need to believe in yourself and not let what others think of you affect you because you are not a reflection of others.
When you see your reflection in the mirror, it is solely what you think of yourself, what you perceive of yourself not what others perceive of you. Your mind is different from theirs, your brain works in a different manner unlike theirs.
What you do reflects you and only you as an individual.

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Man is a social animal and he meets plenty of people in his life span.
People come with experiences , every person you meet is an experience in himself.
When you meet someone, he/she lets you know about their personality, their wishes and their experiences and gradually you start relating to their lives. That is how they influence your life and give you an experience.
Today what we are  or how we are, how our personality reflects on others and how we come across is partially influenced by the people we meet in our life span.

God has created every individual a selfish one. This is not a negative way of thinking but  a very practical approach.
for example, a foetus in a mother's womb , even before the baby is born , the baby takes nutrients from it's mother's body inorder to come into existence .
similarly, people have their own selfish reasons be it for a positive impact or negative.
The word selfish ,speaks for itself . "SELF" the initial part of the word reflects the meaning.

If today , your fellow mate does  something which makes you feel that he/she has betrayed you by his/her own selfish reasons , you should not feel bad. This is how life has originated and shall continue until it comes to an end.
Everybody wants to be successful / continue with their existence and in order to continue with their existence they are compelled to wear a mask which hides their selfish motives .
We should accept it as a part of life and not let it affect us by making us sad or leave us in an over thinking zone.


Power of belief.

The power of  belief is one  of the biggest powers in the world.
The day you start believing in yourself is the day you set your foot on the first step of the ladder of success. The smallest of the decisions you make , you should believe in it. Whether it is a wrong  one or the right one, let time decide that.
You should be able to answer yourself, and give yourself an explanation , convincing as to why you took a decision . The reason for you to walk on a path which was different from the one that your friends took

There is no harm in being different , nor is there any harm in doing the same thing that your fee low mates are doing but the reason for you to choose how you wish to be is important.

" I believe in myself and i know i can do it. " This is the attitude you should keep in your life and walk on the road you wish to walk on . Live your life the way you want to live it. Learn things the way you want to learn it .
Do things your way and make them special.

Its your life and no one can live it for you.

Stories written and read.

You dont need to be great to start  but you need to start it, to be great.
Its important to make new beginnings inorder to reach somewhere in life, inorder to achieve a goal.
However slow we walk, we should keep walking and never stop, unless we know that now it is the  time to end our journey.
Once you make a new beginning and you go deep into the new story that you write, it is very hard to end that story which you are writing. However much you love the story that you are creating and have created ao far, it takes courage to end it. Make sure you end it on a happy note and even if it is mot possible to end it on a happy note, the story will always be an experience which you will cherish and re read your entire life.
It is not only how your story begins or your story ends, its the moments that you have captured in your entire story also.
You will write plenty of stories and when you 'll combine those stories, it will be your book, which is your life.

Friday, November 7, 2014

We met for a reason, either you are a blessing or a lesson.

People come and People go, a very cliched  line that we have come across multiple number of times during our life span.

Sooner or later we realize that the people who are associated with us in are in our lives for a particular reason , during a particular phase.
Our parents are in our lives because they have given birth to us.
Our colleagues back at our work place are with us because we work together.
Friends in school , friends in college,. 
We differentiate friends as , college friends, school friends , WHY? the reason is because they meet us during that particular phase of life. 
Some our just Hi-bye friends as we  call them and some are our best buddies. 
There is always a reason for someone to come and talk to an another person. The reasons can be loneliness, adventure , motive or an agenda . When the motive is cleared, they gradually part away. 
Avery simple example being the relationship of a student and a teacher. 
A student approaches a teacher to clear his doubts before the examinations and when his doubts are cleared the students' priorities change to having fun with their friends, 
Therefore there is always a reason for an association 
And people like this, keep coming and leaving your life and life moves on with the experiences that you have with the people you meet . 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Practicality and conviction

Beautiful days do come to an end
Bad days do come to an end.
Every beginning does have an end.
Even the stars have to one day bend.
A new born baby, one day turns into an old person and his life does come to an end.
All of us have our high points and low points in life.
We live to create something out of ourselves and that is the reason why we indulge ourselves in different opportunities.

Some opportunities turn into lifetime experiences , we either cherish them or regret them.
Many a times we regret the choices we make in the journey of life but these regrets should not stop us from walking forward. Walking in a different direction might be a good option but keep walking.
Life is not about remaining static at one place but being a  dynamic individual.
You create your own identity, you create your own aura.
It is not how you start things, it is how you end things.
Sometimes in life, we begin our journeys in the most enthusiastic fashion but ultinateky we burn out and end our journeys like any other mediocre individual.
Introspection at this time is very crucial , self realisation about what you are capable of and knowing how you will achieve it is important.
Many a times we get trapped in our own aura, in our own highs in life. We forget where we are and we neglect what is important or can be important.
Staying grounded and thinking practical that there would be one day when the charisma of this award that you are holding in your hand will come to an end.
People will forget about it one day, if you are not consistent in your work.
The person who stays grounded, understands the reality and practicality of life goes a long way.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Two puzzle pieces

Find a guy who will pick every piece of your broken heart and shattered heart and put it  back together again keeping once piece to himself and replacing it with a piece of his.

This is what has happened to me. I found that piece which perfectly completed my heart.

Sometimes in life , we wish for something , we pray for something endlessly and over the period of time we tend to give up.
we feel we cannot achieve what we want to , we cannot have want we want to. We are not worthy enough of what we want  and what we feel we deserve.
Something similar happened to  me 4 months back .
I had completely given up.
It is true some people walk into your lives when you least expect them to . I have learnt a lesson  from my own story which is when god knows you are ready for the responsibility of commitment . He'll reveal the right person under right circumstances for you , so dont waste your time searching and wishing , grow and be ready and you will see god will give you  a love story  far better than you could ever dream of.

I am blessed to have got that gift of my love story .  I haven't got the feelings from him that i needed , I have got feelings from him that i never thought i needed,

So never give up on your feelings because when the time is right , the right person will come and knock on your door of happiness and love you like never before.


Many a times i ask myself why do i work so much ?
Why do i live a life of toil?
The answer  is because I want to be successful.

What am I most passionate about?
What do I really want?

All of us want to be someone, attain a certain height. Achieve the impossible and be someone who everybody looks up to.
None of us want to lead a mediocre life. Somewhere down our heart all of us want to be known. We want to be popular.
But HOW?
This should be the valid question in all our minds.

We should be popular, we should be known , very well known but for the right reasons, for the correct reasons. We know we have it in us , we just need a platform to discover it.
Many a times we enter a platform where we  discover how passionate we are about our work but the next question to ourselves should be , IS IT THE RIGHT PLACE? IS IT THE RIGHT PLATFORM?
If your answer is still  not a yes , or it is a maybe , it is surely not the right platform . When it is right you will  know it, when the time is right you will know it,

We should be aware of our potential and when we know our potential we should know our worth.
It is not a good choice to stay at a place for a really long time , because sometimes a platform might help you grow but the same platform might destroy you as well.
Life is a gamble , it gives you with options which will take you to a high and take you the the lowest possible rung.
You have to be cautious while travelling down the line of life maintaining the balance.

Whichever road you choose to travel upon , you should travel on it  till the end .
There is no end on those roads , it is up to you when you decide it is the end of the road,
when it starts getting darker after a journey full of light is when you know , the end is now near and you need to start cutting ties so that you don't become so emotionally attached to that journey that tomorrow when you are asked to choose an another road for your own benefit you stumble upon a stone and fall down and hurt yourself.

It is true we want to be known , we don't want a mediocre life .

You need to  make smart choices about how you want to be known and which road you want to travel on , determine your own journey and exit when you know it is the right time  to exit.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Many a times we want something so badly.
We have to console our heart time and again about why we  are doing what we are doing.
Life offers you many endless opportunities , endless moments which you would want to cherish but at the end you need to make the right choices.
Are you making the right choice should be your question to yourself.
Life feels harsh when you have to choose something that you don't really want over something you really wanted and had planned for it.
The last minute change of plans make your heart ache.
We are unable to see the positiveness hidden in the situation and the day we see it, is the day we thank our stars.
Everything happens for a reason. A good reason . We all should accept it. We should stay optimistic and set our priorities right. 

We might have two priorities set at the same level but which one weighs more in the current situation is what we should understand and implement.
We find happiness in success and so do we find happiness in love.
When you get a mixture of above , that is when you can officially consider yourself to be lucky.
Love gives your cormfort and relaxes you within. Finding your true love does not mean you stop moving towards your goal of success. Everything happens for a reason , if you have found your true love today and did not find him yesterday, there is a reason attached to it as well.Love is said to be true when both understand eachother's priorities pertaining to the current situation. There are times when you dissapoint eachother but in the long run these disappointments turn into something positive which just brings you even more closer. That is when you thank your stars again.
Love and work the two priorities resting on the same level for many , its upto you and your partner to choose when it is the right time to keep it above the other and understand eachother.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Big fish

I stand alone looking at the surge of  happiness and excitement all around.
I stand alone looking at the dejection on those faces.
The link to both being the same.
I belong to a place which is full of emotions.
Full of souls attracting and repelling eachother bound together in one place over a series of days.
Morning till midnight ,going through a series of emotions , loving and hating eachother at the same time. 

They live in a bubble.
They dream and they really dream big.
I ask myself if i am one of them.
If i have the same aspirations and dreams.
If i belong to this place and if i am getting absorbed in the same dream.
Sometimes the answer to it is a positive one and sometimes i feel i am still standing on the edge yet about to fall.
I experience what they have experienced
I feel what they feel.
They call it life.
I call it a part of life.
Yes there is a difference and it might be the thinking that makes all the difference.
I feel lost sometimes, lost in my own thoughts when i walk through that path.
Souls around me .
All are positive ones.
I express myself , i feel scared yet i keep walking .
I run and I take shelter sometimes worried if that shelter is the safe one.
I belong to a place where people trust eachother in a matter of seconds.
Express themselves thinking they are not being judged.
The reason to this place, nobody knows , the final destination of this place , nobody knows.
They just close their eyes, live it and experience it without giving it much thought.
This place gives them solace , calms them , brings them joy and happiness , makes them fall in love with this big fish.
How big a fish this place is , nobody knows.
People come here to discover this place and dispatch thinking they have discovered it.


Sometimes you know that this is it.
Sometimes you know what it is.
The right opportunity , the right time awaits you.
Sometimes you know that this is what it is.
You make mistakes
You keep walking in the dark even when it gets darker , you feel it is still bright.
You close your eyes believing it to be a dream ignoring the real picture.
You make choices , you dream big forgetting what the practicality is.
You want to live your life  avoiding it to see it otherwise.
Your heart cries , the pain resides but you tell yourself , no, this is the right choice.
Look back and see where you have come from.
If this is the place where you really belong.
If this is the right choice that you are tredding upon.
Look back and introspect , if this is the place you wanted to be all along.
It might be the right choice , it might be the right place .
The right destination still awaits.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Problems or Opportunities? Think Again.

Another day , another night and we keep delaying things until last minute , until the next day.
We are the creator of our own problems and destroyer of our own problems.
We feel we have the biggest possible stress , biggest possible problems in the entire world but if we look from someone else's eyes , if we look at the bigger picture , it is not so.
Everyone has problems in their lives or we should call them experiences which  are over hyped and given the name 'PROBLEMS'
If there is a beginning to something, there is an end too.
If you feel there is a beginning to your problem, trust me , there is an end too and the roots to its end is to its beginning.

Sometimes what you call problems are actually opportunities

Opportunities for you to grow
Opportunities for you to learn
Opportunities for you to become a better person

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Life is like a roller coaster ride for each one of us.
We all go through low times, when we are just a face in the crowd . A nobody in simple language,
We work on ourselves , take inspiration from others and gradually come up to a level from a mediocre status to a higher one where people start acknowledging us and we are not just a face in the crowd anymore.

During our journey to the top most rung , we fool ourselves by living in the make believe world created by our own mind.
We feel this is the highest that we have and can achieve and our behavior begins to change.
In our make believe world we tend to forget the times when we were someone who nobody knew and how desperately tried to make ourselves visible.
We tend to visualize the transition in our behavior which transforms from  a humble one to an imperious one.

We  achieve so much during our journey that we tend to believe that the ride that we are sitting in today will never complete without us.
Roller coaster like a cycle , if it goes up , it comes down as well, with the same velocity and you dont even get to know when the fun  ends.But never a rollercoaster stops in the middle, there are cases of accidents , people falling down from the roller coaster rides in amusement parks but that does not stop the roller coaster ride  because till the time the person running the ride knows about it the ride is already completed for others,

Time waits for no one.
when you are not working , others are,
You may be the best today but someone out there is trying to be better,
Never think you are indispensable because even TIME doesnt care if you are still there.



Saturday, August 23, 2014

The breeze in your life

Emotions come from feelings , Feelings come from our heart.
Every human being is blessed with  a heart , a heart that beats for love , a heart that beats for acceptance.
We meet uncountable people in our lives from the day we step into this world starting with our mother, who gives us birth and the doctor who helps in delivery.
Do we remember the doctor?
All of us know the answer to that question.
Do we worry each day how that doctor  must be doing now, where would he/she be at this hour of the day, whether he is successful or not in his field?
The answer is no to all these questions.
There is a reason for me to write these questions, the reason is that none of us care about that very person , is why we donot let our minds pay attention to that person's life.
It is you who lets people enter your life , it is you who lets people affect you, you allow your heart to have feelings for a person , turn those feelings into emotions.
We are the master of our lives, if we donot want to talk to a particular person, The cell phone is in our hands and it is us who decide whether we want to accept their call or not.
Similarly ,  it is us who let people enter our heart.



BELIEF - A small word , just 6 words long. It is a word full of power.
Power that all of us want , all of us want to have the power to rule on everybody's life.
We want the power to run an organisation , everybody strives for a better post at their work places , in their institutions.
The word power is nothing when belief does not support it.
Inorder to attain power, the belief in oneself is the most essentail componet to achieve success throughout the journey.
Inorder to reach a destination you need to first DREAM it .
When you dream it, you need to believe in your dreams inorder to achieve it.
Belief turns your way of looking at things. It changes your preceptions.
At the end it is all a game of perceptions.
IF you perceive something, your mind starts believing it , and when you believe in something you actions are controlled by your belief in your mind.
Believe in yourself

Believe in your dreams inorder to achieve them.
Knowledge is always not enough to reach where you aspire to reach , the right attitude and BELIEF are the essential ingredients.

Monday, August 11, 2014

A life with No Limits

A life with no limits , is the life i wish to live
No stopping,No boundaries
I wish to fly , I wish to swim through the ocean
full of opportunities , full of progress
I wish to learn and to grow
May god never take that wish to row
inorder to prosper, you need to learn to learn!
god can only show you doors ,job to open them is your concern.

Fear of being judged , only hinders your growth
people will talk today and talk tomorrow
but the opportunity you have today might not come tomorrow
Your probable success might turn into a bunch of sorrows
you will end up regretting, Oh i wish i hadn't fallen for that farrow

Its never too late to start afresh
But it's time to introspect
what I want myself to be, what I see myself as
The opportunities are plenty ,No time to wait
for it to knock or someone to ask.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


He will have to learn, I know,
that all men are not just,
all men are not true.
But teach him also that
for every scoundrel there is a hero;                                        
that for every selfish Politician,
there is a dedicated leader…
Teach him for every enemy there is a friend,

Steer him away from envy,
if you can,
teach him the secret of
quiet laughter.

Let him learn early that
the bullies are the easiest to lick…
Teach him, if you can,
the wonder of books…
But also give him quiet time
to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky,
bees in the sun,
and the flowers on a green hillside.

In the school teach him
it is far honourable to fail
than to cheat…
Teach him to have faith
in his own ideas,
even if everyone tells him
they are wrong…
Teach him to be gentle
with gentle people,
and tough with the tough.
Try to give my son
the strength not to follow the crowd
when everyone is getting on the band wagon…
Teach him to listen to all men…
but teach him also to filter
all he hears on a screen of truth,
and take only the good
that comes through.

Teach him if you can,
how to laugh when he is sad…
Teach him there is no shame in tears,
Teach him to scoff at cynics
and to beware of too much sweetness…
Teach him to sell his brawn
and brain to the highest bidders
but never to put a price-tag
on his heart and soul.
Teach him to close his ears
to a howling mob
and to stand and fight
if he thinks he’s right.
Treat him gently,
but do not cuddle him,
because only the test
of fire makes fine steel.

Let him have the courage
to be impatient…
let him have the patience to be brave.
Teach him always
to have sublime faith in himself,
because then he will have
sublime faith in mankind.
This is a big order,
but see what you can do…
He is such a fine little fellow,
my son!

Friday, August 8, 2014

What if I Fall? Oh my darling , What if you fly?

The fear of losing , is the Biggest fear  of our subconscious mind whether we agree or not.
Can you think of someone who is so confident that would make you think twice before approaching him/her?
All of us can think of that one person , who seems so confident , so full of attitude. We prejudge people even before we talk to them. Looking at the credentials of a person, look at their success rate , it makes us feeel that we donot have the ability to do what they can do, we are not as confident as they are.

What if you feel you are not confident enough?
The first step to success is introspection. If you can introspect and find out what is lacking in you to be whom you want to be, you are on the right path.

The most confident person , that you can imagine right now while reading this article, went through the same thoughts that you go through. God has made all of us equally equipped with the world. It is upon us , how we use the tools.

It is very important to grab an opportunity first inorder to nail it. The first step to win a particular competition is to enroll yourself in it. The first step to ace an exam is to buy the book for the same. The reason why people feel they cannot do a particular thing is because they ake themselves believe that they donot have the ability to do it.
My question is how can you consider yourself as a non potential contender when you haven't even tried to  move in that direction.

Successful people are those who try.
You can only achieve something if you try.
And if you fall , try harder


Friday, August 1, 2014


Life is full of challenges, Full of hurdles.We have to face new challenges everyday .A positive vision involves how we accept those challenges and transform them into prospects.
There are always two sides of a story , the positive and the negative. It is very important to learn and assimilate the art of viewing the positive angle of each story.

We are humans, all of us run in our own race against time.We want acceptance ,we want recognition and all of us agree to it. Many a times,99% of the times people give themselves the benefit of any situation however much they love the person infront of them. This is what brings the negativity in between the relationship.
Have you ever wondered why?
Do you really think , if you were in their position, you would have prioritized them over your own benefit?
If you feel bad that they have made a decision which benefits them over you and this changes your attitude,then the problem is not in them , but in you.
They are not being negative, YOU are being negative here.
You wonder Why?
You donot respect their decision and their growth . What is the difference in you and them and How can you expect the same from them?
You are responsible for your life, you have to grow yourself rather than being dependant on someone else to help you grow.

It is very rightly said that even god can't help those who are not willing to help themselves. Miracles don't happen on their own. Miracles happen when you lead them to a way , which makes them happen.

Lets take a very simple example of making tea.
We cannot make tea by just adding the ingredients to a container. Unless we provide some heat to it .

You have to add that heat to your life, the ZEAL to do something . If you are positive that you have what it takes to be WHO you want to be , nobody can stop you . Don't let the positivity fade away and remember if one door closes , it is only because the other door is waiting for you to open and explore the world OUTSIDE.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Dreams and Opportunities

My dreams are endless and opportunities i see are countless
If i sleep with  a heavy heart , i know when i will wake up , a new door will open up
I know I might not be able to do what i am going in for yet i try , maybe that is where i will finally sigh
I look for happiness in which ever route i take
I wish to be happy, I wish to travel miles
Life is too long a journey and i want to explore places with  smiles
I don't know what i finally want
I just know i want to be happy and satisfied
I wish to be optimistic and build my own tracks and carry beautiful memories in sacks!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Awaiting Miracle.

Magic is when you find peace
magic is when you find the tingling sense of freedom
freedom to be yourself, empower yourself and do what you want to do
without the fear of being judged
Magic is when you know what you are doing is for you, yourself
You are responsible for who you are and who you want to be tomorrow
be the leader of yourself  first to be the leader in the real world.
Stand up for what is right, stand up today uptight
Stand up for your decision.
The day you know ,you can prove it right , no one has the courage to turn it upright.
Believe in yourself and Believe in your own magic
And you will not wait for the miracle to happen.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Highs and lows.

Life is beautiful, it has its highs and lows
When you are low ,nothing seems right
Your life is entangled and so tight
You cant see your future, you dont know what to do next
The only hope is to be optimistic
That this low road will turn back and go up and bring you back to the top.
When you are at the high point, the world seems beneath you, you are the master, you are the star. Some will cherish you ,some will try to bring you down.
Challenge is to be unaffected by them and continue your path , path that brings you highs and lows.

Sometimes we tend to give up, sometimes we make the wrong choices.It is ok to be wrong, because that teaches you what is right.
Also donot hold on to something for too long that it starts overpowering your lifestyle and your thinking. Dont let anything break you, break the ties before it starts doing so. Let it go and know that if it is meant for you , it will eventually come back.
Faith is a very essential part of life, keep faith and move on.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


People will come and people will leave
Sometimes some people leave an imprint in our lives.
Respect them and never forget them.

Happiness lies within you

Many claim to be sad, Many claim to be depressed.

This era is full of people who feel they are unhappy from inside. People look for happiness evrywhere, they search for happiness helplessly and desperately.
Introspect and find happiness within you. Find happiness within the person you are, within your soul that connects your mind and heart.
If you are doing something right now, believe that you are doing it because it is giving you happiness.
If you are reading this right now, agree that it is giving you happiness that is why you are reading it .
If you find yourself repeating something that you did in the past , believe that you are repeating it because it gave you some amount of happiness which you mite have not noticed at that time , but you are noticing it now.
You are responsible for who you are and how you feel , what you feel about something. Nobody is the incharge of that soul that subsides within you, but you yourself.
IF something brings a smile on your face , DO IT  without caring or worrying that you might be judged because everybody has a different perspective and a different thinking. What you think might be judgmental for the other person about whom you are thinking but for you, it might not be a judgmental opinion.
Similarly if somebody thinks something about you , donot take it ina negative light and feel that you are being judged , it is their way of perceiving things. you know who you are and what brings you happiness therfore you will do what is best for you.  YOU LOVE YOURSELF AND THAT IS WHY YOU WILL MAKE YOURSELF HAPPY.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Love to be loved

Everyone wants to be loved , everybody needs love but do they deserve to be loved?
When a person feels he/she is not loved they feel dissapointed and frustrated. They feel nothing is worth enjoying, worth loving, worth caring for only because they are not getting the love and care they crave for.
Everyone should understand inorder to be loved you need to first learn to love.
The art of giving without expecting will give you happiness and making yourself happy will signify the love for yourself.
First love yourself for others to love you.
The word love is a very heavy word in itself.
So lets practice love yourself : Do things that make you happy, Pamper yourself and treat yourself.
2.Love someone/something unconditionally : practice social service , Raise pets . when you are involved in social service , you cannot expect anything back from the underprivileged but smiles. Their smiles will make you happy and make you feel loved.
Pets also have hearts like we do, you love them and spend time with them, they will love you back
3. Smile : make it a point that you start your day with smiling at someone. Be it your maid , a stranger, a public transport driver .you will learn that you win a smile back that will rejoice your heart
4. Positive outlook : Always keep a positive outlook in life . Be optimistic. If somebody passes a negative comment , just smile and play along so that , that negativity does not affect you in any way.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


It is very important to be independent and confident in today's time.
The times have changed and so have the people. Nobody want to to deal with someone who is unsure , who is not confident. Everybody want to instill confidence in the person he/she is dealing with. It is  very important to be that confident human being that every individual would want to interact with or want to work with.

The easiest way to be a confident person , is to know what you are good at. The world is full of opportunities and you have a huge life to find that one thing that gives you happiness and would ultimately lead to success. If you are a student , i recommend you to take each and every opportunity that comes your way. You have too much on your plate already? Well who cares ? Life is too short to worry about failure, when you say i already have too much on my plate to take up this opportunity that is the day you tell yourself you  have a fear of failure.
Tell yourself, no you donot have that fear and grab that opportunity .Yes it is true that you should set your priorities straight so that you can manage your time well. but that is it only because you have to ace the golden key to success "time management" you should drop an opportunity , if you feel it will come back later.

You should always ask yourself will you regret it , if you let this opportunity go? if the answer is a yes, then obviously you have no other option but to take , because at the end of the day you have to look at yourself in the mirror and not the person or thing you have dropping that opportunity for. you have to face yourself, you will sleep to your own tears at night if you let go an opportunity that you want to take up.
also remember , if you feel you have made a mistake , always stay positive, BELIEVE that whatever happens , happens for the good and  TRUST YOURSELF  that you will not end up making a similar mistake again

BELIEVE that you LOVE yourself and Will do anything to bring that smile on your LOVE's face.


Little joys of life

Little things that give me pleasure
I hope i never fail to treasure
The tiny droplets of rain
makes them all go away , be it any kind of pain
the joy of writing , the joy of dance
gives my smile a trans
the cool breeze on my face
Happiness like this is so hard to trace
oh! I embrace this love for life so much
may god never take this smile from my face.

Its time for you to like my Instagram pic!

Time flies and times change. Technology has advanced so much over these years , that its hard to imagine how  the world would be after 10 years. Its amazing how i look back and think that there was a time when i learnt how to use paint on my computer . Yes, the box like structure and Now all of us have minicomputers in our pockets , our smartphones ofcourse!

People now have become more about how their life looks like on the social networking sites. how their facebook page looks like or how their instagram profile looks like. Inorder to make a statement they will have countless followers , they will let the most random people follow their instagram profiles so that they have the maximum likes as compared to their friends and they look "cool".
Had a fight with your mom? well, lets tweet it,
Boyfriend problem? Lets upload a picture with hashtags.
I belong to the same age group, yes i agree i post everyday on my social networking site , here i am not trying to make a statement or i am not judging anybody . I am just amazed to see how the change has crept in and how it will continue to dig in further.

Everyone wants to be accepted by the society , more than the society it is the peer group. Well my friends, if you have noticed the peer group keeps on changing and you transform yourself with the new evolving peer group. Take a minute and think to yourself, how many friends are you still in touch with from your initial grades? I am sure you can either count them on your fingers or you just cant think of any, Thats what i am talking about.

How many facebook friends amoungst the 200 likes of your current profile picture do you really talk to , or even know them personally? You have about 2000 friends on facebook and donot even know them personally and you donot mind sharing your personal pictures and posts , just inorder to get a truckload of likes and show the world how popular and loved you are?