Monday, October 20, 2014


Many a times i ask myself why do i work so much ?
Why do i live a life of toil?
The answer  is because I want to be successful.

What am I most passionate about?
What do I really want?

All of us want to be someone, attain a certain height. Achieve the impossible and be someone who everybody looks up to.
None of us want to lead a mediocre life. Somewhere down our heart all of us want to be known. We want to be popular.
But HOW?
This should be the valid question in all our minds.

We should be popular, we should be known , very well known but for the right reasons, for the correct reasons. We know we have it in us , we just need a platform to discover it.
Many a times we enter a platform where we  discover how passionate we are about our work but the next question to ourselves should be , IS IT THE RIGHT PLACE? IS IT THE RIGHT PLATFORM?
If your answer is still  not a yes , or it is a maybe , it is surely not the right platform . When it is right you will  know it, when the time is right you will know it,

We should be aware of our potential and when we know our potential we should know our worth.
It is not a good choice to stay at a place for a really long time , because sometimes a platform might help you grow but the same platform might destroy you as well.
Life is a gamble , it gives you with options which will take you to a high and take you the the lowest possible rung.
You have to be cautious while travelling down the line of life maintaining the balance.

Whichever road you choose to travel upon , you should travel on it  till the end .
There is no end on those roads , it is up to you when you decide it is the end of the road,
when it starts getting darker after a journey full of light is when you know , the end is now near and you need to start cutting ties so that you don't become so emotionally attached to that journey that tomorrow when you are asked to choose an another road for your own benefit you stumble upon a stone and fall down and hurt yourself.

It is true we want to be known , we don't want a mediocre life .

You need to  make smart choices about how you want to be known and which road you want to travel on , determine your own journey and exit when you know it is the right time  to exit.

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