Thursday, November 27, 2014


You know you have the potential in you to do a particular thing but the world seems to be on one side and you on the other.
Your mentor/parent/best friend/the person whom you feel the closest to, the person whom you feel knows you inside out mite tell you that you are incapable of doing what you are heading towards. They mite tell you to give up, they mite tell you that you would fail however much you try or try to give your best. In cases like these, remember, what others tell you is a reflection of what they feel about themselves.
It is normal human psychology that when you share your plan of action with someone specially someone with whom you are closest to or meet or talk to everyday. The person whoever it is, will put himself/herself in your shoes and imagine taking up that plan of action. They mite not be confident about doing something but you are not one of them. You are unique, you are different. God has made everyone a different individual , given a separate identity for the sole purpose of the different kind of potential that each and every person imbibes in themselves.
It is hard to stay motivated and not get disheartened by someone who mite not believe in you but you need to believe in yourself and not let what others think of you affect you because you are not a reflection of others.
When you see your reflection in the mirror, it is solely what you think of yourself, what you perceive of yourself not what others perceive of you. Your mind is different from theirs, your brain works in a different manner unlike theirs.
What you do reflects you and only you as an individual.

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