Thursday, November 3, 2016

Pearls of wisdom - some in everyone

Positivity breeds happiness

Many a times when we are positive and happy , we unknowingly leave impressions which give others a way of viewing life in a more positive way.
Everybody goes through the negative fluctuations in life, when the slightest of disconnect with their happiness gives birth to pessimism.
Whenever you come across a person who needs some kind of push inorder to feel cormfortable about what he/she is doing, speak up.
Speak your heart and speak how you would tackle the problem if you were the one facing the problem.
Helping others by even a single line of positivity helps them overcome their obstacles. Its miraculous how you can help someone by just one line of optimism and they come back and thank you later.
Even if tomorrow, that person doesnot come back to you and thank you for your optimism, god shall treat you one day with what you have done for him/her.
Each person on this planet has the potential and the power to affect someone's life and make their life count by giving away pearls of wisdom.
Its amazing how a 20 year old can also change the way of thinking of a 50 year old adult or a baby's smile can bring exuberance in an adult's life.
Every person has the pearls of wisdom which they gain through their experiences in life.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Internal strength

Bring me to life , bring me the eternal happiness.
I have gone through experiences which have taught me long sightedness.
I was young and i was gullible
I made mistakes which i myself was unaware of ,
My loved ones kept me on the right path ,
Bringing joy and immense love to my golden years
No, i am not old , i am still very young
There is time for me to paint my own life very bright.
Some left , some stayed and those who stayed fortunately would love me till the end.
Yes, Bad times are followed by good times .
Some are there to explain the beauty of good days and some to test my strengths.
Beauty, elegance, faith and far sightedness these things shall remain with me forever till the time i remain sane. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Challenges-Transformation into confident individuals

We all go through multiple obstacles everyday.
Each one of us have our own battles to fight.
We crib about what is not right in our lives and we envy others for the success they have achieved in their lives.

We should understand , the more successful a person is , the more hardships  that person has undergone and shall continue to undergo.
Successful people don't question why they are doing a particular task and what shall be the outcome of it. They are thankful for the opportunity they have in hand and they cherish it.

The day you feel thankful for where you are and the opportunities you have is the day you shall stop worrying and shall start growing.

No person can grow without overcoming challenges in life. If today, you are facing a challenge in your career or academics , be thankful to god as it shows that you have a golden opportunity to overcome it and grow.
Once you overcome the challenge you will come out of the bubble of hopelessness and grow into a more confident individual. 

Trust, a Gift to Cherish

Trust is one of the most important things in a relationship.

It is  one of the building blocks of the peace of mind of every human being.
Humans have a tendency to associate themselves to people and association gives birth to trust.

Trust usually starts at a very minimal level, the level where you first exchange your names and identities. It grows further with exchange of numbers and so on.

Trust is a gift which is given to one person from another. The extent of a person's trust in another person shows how big the gift is.
Once a trust is broken , it is difficult for a person to go back to the level of trust he instilled in the other person, however humans are emotional fools and they tend to go back to the level of trust with a pinch of caution.

One should always cherish the gift of trust one receives from their friends and family. This is the first step towards maintaining the peace of mind of oneself and of their loved ones.

A baby starts walking holding the closest object to him , trusting the object. If that object is light in weight, which makes the baby fall, the baby will take a while to hold it again or he may choose not to hold it ever again , inorder to walk.

In the similar way, people hold on to people trusting them , that they would give them companionship and support whenever needed inorder to walk down the journey of life. If not, the entire life , atleast a part of it.
When those people , due to their lightness in loyalty, break their trust, people often leave them or become cautious of them.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Experience- The ultimate Scrub

Experience brings confidence .

There are days when you feel demotivated looking at people working so efficiently.
These days are the stepping stones to your successful days because these days will only push you further to work harder and learn more.
No one wants to fail and everybody wishes to be in good books if not explicitly, it would be  implicitly.

You should always remember if a patch is smooth today it is because of the continuous rubbing of the rugged parts.
Consider Success as the same patch in your life and experience as the scrub , continuously rubbing you.

The day you find that patch smooth , consider yourself well experienced and success shall follow.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016


I came across a beautiful message. 
It is not a message written by me but i wish to share it with everyone. 

*What is maturity? - by Adi Shankara*
1. Maturity is *when you stop trying to change others, ...instead focus on changing yourself.*
2. Maturity is when you
*accept people as they are.*
3. Maturity is when you
*understand everyone is right in their own perspective.*
4. Maturity is when you  
*learn to "let go".*
5. Maturity is when you are
able to *drop "expectations" from a relationship and give for the sake of giving.*
6. Maturity is when you
*understand whatever you do, you do for your own peace.*
7. Maturity is when you 
*stop proving to the world, how intelligent you are.*
8. Maturity is when you 
*don't seek approval from others.*
9. Maturity is when you 
*stop comparing with others.*
10. Maturity is when you 
*are at peace with yourself.*
11. Maturity is when you 
*are able to differentiate between "need" and "want" and are able to let go of your wants.**& last but most meaningful !*
12. You gain Maturity when you 
*stop attaching "happiness" to material things !!*

Monday, May 16, 2016

The reason why your present is a 'Present'!

Each one of us faces insecurity. We might be insecure about our jobs or friendships/relationships. We always wish to have the perfect life , the perfect job ,the perfect set of friends and the perfect relationship.

 What is perfect? Definately what sounds best to us and matches us and our needs or should i say greed?

We do tend to believe that we live in a hypothetical world and if we have something which is perfect for us, our rational side of the brain tells us that it will definately come to an end! Then why not i end it myself early , earlier than it is meant to end so that i donot hurt myself because.... I want the perfect life. 

We all become rational as we grow up and learn how to protect ourselves. We protect ourselves so much that it becomes a habit and before anything wrong can happen to us ,we wear the shield inorder to protect ourselves.

When we were babies we didnot wear that shield and we braved the world fearlessly. We never worried about the toy that gave us so much of happiness and which brought a huge smile on our faces or made us spring up with joy , would one day go away. 
We never worried about the toy being snatched away from us. 
We enjoyed our present and didnot worry about our future. 

If today you have that toy in your hand, enjoy it ,you dont need to be rational and let it go just because you think that one day it will  have to leave you. Its Yours and you will decide whether it will stay or has to go. It shall never leave you until you leave it and i am sure you dont want to leave it.  Live your present and dont let your past mistakes haunt you or your future inhibitions hold you back. There is a reason why past is called past and the present is called 'present',  it is a gift from god to you. Enjoy and cherish your present and write your future with a smile and positive attitude. 

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Do you have it all?

It is a very ironic thought that the wise tell you to believe , you have it all and go on the stage and set it on fire.
Do we really have it all to make that mark in the world? 
To build your conifdence, well the answer is definately , Yes! 
When you actually come face to face with the world , the answer might change . 
It is good to feel at the top of the world and feel that you have learnt all that you had to and achieved all that you had to and now nobody can beat you.
But remember the reason why you are at the top is because you beat someone in that. 
And just like you , the person before you had done that too. 
Never stop learning and never feel that you have achieved it all , there still might be something which you could create on your own and learn from yourself. 

Learning never had an end and it shall never do.
Never look up to your teacher and  say that now you dont need any more classes or any more learning because you have mastered it all. There is a reason that he is your teacher and you are a student. 
Your teacher will never say i have mastered it all and i dont need to practice it anymore and that is the difference between a teacher and a student. 

Teachers know that knowledge and learning is eternal. 

Monday, February 29, 2016

The tree named relationship.

Human biengs build and live relationships. They put more efforts in building a relationship than nurturing it.
Cutting the tree called relationship when the bark starts getting thicker is a self defence mechanism that they go through. 

They tend to forget they push away the people who care and love them the most. 
Relationships are a very integral part of a person's growth and peace of mind. Attaching to a certain person makes a person more aware about himself/herself. 
Just like meditation helps you reconnect with yourself and reconnect with your actions in the past , relationships help you know you and the reason for your actions.

Take a minute to remember every person in your life who has made a difference and made you who you are today. 
I bet you are related to them. Maybe through past actions you mite have cut the bark of the tree called relationship but  remember the roots are still there in the soil. 
If you give the tree enough warmth and water you can again grow it back to the height that it had attained earlier. 
It mite take sometime but dont let go of it because of your insecurity, inhibitions and defensive nature.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Life beyond your boundaries

A regular routine, same surroundings and same kind of people throughout your life will not teach you all that you should learn inorder to evolve and grow as a person.

It is important to come out of your cormfort zone and visit places of life where you would not normally go. Your parents or well wishers cannot take you . 
When you meet new people and live their life or live with them for a few days , you understand the beauty of different tastes and colours that god has made. 

We all are the same yet different in our own special ways. 
And how we mould our thinking and lives is in our hands. 

Pledge to Be different by experiencing Different and you will see different. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Entry to exit

There is always a reason as to why people associate with you. You might feel that you love someone unconditionally and will do anything for them , make endless sacrifices when the time comes to sacrifice. We are 99% of the times wrong. It is true that when somebody helps us in need  or is just there for us even otherwise , as social animals, we do have emotions and we wish to give back the affection through our sacrifices yet we only consider it and not actually make the sacrifice.

There is a reason why you have friends , teachers , collegues. They all are related to your needsand they   satisfy them.
There is only one relation , that is the relation of blood which nobody questions yet there is a story to it as well. 
Your parents brought you to this world to extend their family and to continue their legacy. 

You come in this world alone yet when you leave this world you take so many associations and relations with you. You definately make an exit alone but you take feelings , emotions and if lucky souls  with you. 

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Direct the Direction

I believe people are not borne leaders. Leaders are created by the people who have led them in life.
Even the leaders you look upto need mentors to direct them to the correct path.  We live in  a world of social beings , if one leads the other today , tomorrow the person led yesterday might lead someone else and the link keeps getting bigger.

We decide our own direction however we may choose to either walk the road already built or build our own roads. It depends on our risk taking capacity and the intensity of belief in ourselves.

I am a strong believer of the saying "you shall reach where you are destined to reach " . However, i also believe that it is your actions which create the destiny .Your actions and your luck play a major factor in your destination. Whatever you do to someone today shall eventually come back to you but it is in your luck which decides when it does whether good or bad.

The most an individual can do is have faith. Have faith in himself and the world around that whatever the circumstances may be however his karma will treat him he shall bear the consequences and swim through them whether good or bad.

A person should never stop walking even if it is dark and he is unaware of the surroundings and the path he is walking on because ultimately he mite reach somewhere , somewhere where it is less
darker and  he can plan his journey ahead. Also if he stops walking , the probability of attack increases. It is always easier to attack a static object than a moving one.

So direct your direction , keep moving forward however slow it is but keep walking forward.

Road from Importance to Indifference

The world is built on relationships. We build relationships everyday consciously or unconsciously. 
What is a relationship?
A relationship is a link. It mite be a link between you and an another person or it might be a relationship between you and a non-living object.

There are alot of feelings which emerge out of a relationship and the feeling or the emotion gives a meaning to the relationship. You start feeling the importance of the person/thing in your life and cannot imagine your life without it. You start getting used to it and eventually it becomes a part of your everyday life.

Another feeling which comes gradually is the feeling of taking someone/something for granted. This is a normal tendency with every living being to start taking things which are a part of their everyday routine for granted. 
When we wake up we take it for granted that we shall go to the washroom and freshen up/ brush your teeth. 
A dog, when meets a new person, takes his owner for granted and spends most of the time with the new person. 
A child , when he gets used to the world around him takes his mother for granted and feels as if he doesn't not need her protection anymore. 

We all take our relationships for granted. We understand their importance so much at a point of time that we donot want to let go off it however when few years pass by we take the same thing for granted that before we realize our indifference towards it, its gone. 

Value your relationships , value everybody's feelings because if you feel that you have them ,so do they..