Saturday, April 4, 2015

Give the time some time.

Sometimes we feel we dont know what we want. we are mostly in a  confused state when the decision is to be made on a particular subject.
The reasons for confusions can be plenty mostly , the confusion arises due to the turmoil between your heart and brain.
you heart says something but your brain says something
you might be happy doing something but you also know that you will not draw the same amount of happiness that you draw presently even though your satisfaction level would  be optimum if you choose the former.
when a situation like this arises all we should do is wait for the time to pass and have faith in ourselves and in life.
what is bound to happen will eventually happen , it is just  a matter of time. Life gives you opportunities to test yourself and explore yourself till the time you get the answer .
you mite spend your lifetime searching for a particular answer but the day you are on your deathbed you shall get your answer when you  scan your eyes through the regrets and your happiness,
the day shall come when you will know what you want and what  you are meant for .

Give the time some time.