Many claim to be sad, Many claim to be depressed.
This era is full of people who feel they are unhappy from inside. People look for happiness evrywhere, they search for happiness helplessly and desperately.
Introspect and find happiness within you. Find happiness within the person you are, within your soul that connects your mind and heart.
If you are doing something right now, believe that you are doing it because it is giving you happiness.
If you are reading this right now, agree that it is giving you happiness that is why you are reading it .
If you find yourself repeating something that you did in the past , believe that you are repeating it because it gave you some amount of happiness which you mite have not noticed at that time , but you are noticing it now.
You are responsible for who you are and how you feel , what you feel about something. Nobody is the incharge of that soul that subsides within you, but you yourself.
IF something brings a smile on your face , DO IT without caring or worrying that you might be judged because everybody has a different perspective and a different thinking. What you think might be judgmental for the other person about whom you are thinking but for you, it might not be a judgmental opinion.
Similarly if somebody thinks something about you , donot take it ina negative light and feel that you are being judged , it is their way of perceiving things. you know who you are and what brings you happiness therfore you will do what is best for you. YOU LOVE YOURSELF AND THAT IS WHY YOU WILL MAKE YOURSELF HAPPY.